Welcome to
CoolPhon Group

We are building and testing pioneering low temperature functional nanostructures with a special emphasis on superconducting devices. Our expertise involves fast time-resolved thermometry of nanostructures based on the probing of Josephson junctions with short current pulses, which we call the switching thermometry. It allows us to trace the thermal transients with a temporal resolution of a single nanosecond, which appear in the response to a local dissipation.  We can directly investigate the dynamics of various energy relaxation channels at the nanoscale. Our second field of interest is vortex electronics. It involves building nanodevices for controlling and manipulating of superconducting vortices to present new functionalities e.g. memory cells and logical elements for application in quantum computing.

Recent activity
11/2024: New article on Intrinsic Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Superconducting Aluminum

We present our new work on the lifetime of quasiparticles at different temperatures in superconducting aluminum. So far, thermal relaxations of quasiparticles have been measured at low temperatures only. We have succeeded in measuring these times at temperatures up to the critical temperature of aluminum. The lifetime of the quasiparticles at higher temperatures (T>0.7 K) agrees with the calculated energy flow from electrons to phonons, but at lower temperatures is much shorter than predicted by theory.

10/2024: We are looking for PhD students! (Jobs 42/2024 and 43/2024)

We are seeking two PhD students to work in our group. We encourage you to check out all the details of the open positions.

07/2024: New article on superconducting vortices manipulation and vortex heat dissipation published in Science Advances

Our new paper on the manipulation of a single superconducting vortex and its heat dissipation by expulsion from a nanostructure is published in Science Advances. In this paper, entitled "Quantum thermodynamics with a single superconducting vortex", for the first time we measure directly the amount of heat dissipated by the single vortex leaving the volume of the superconductor. We show, with nanosecond resolution, the thermal relaxation of the superconducting square (vortex trap) immediately after the vortex leaves it. Enjoy reading!

04/2023: Article on superconducting vortices detection is published

We have published recently a new article in Physical Review Applied titled "Probing Confined Vortices with a Superconducting Nanobridge". In the paper, we show that we are able to detect the presence or absence of such vortices in superconducting squares using the Dayem nanobridge.

02/2023: Patent application on vortex detection using Dayem nanobridge

We have filed a new Polish patent application for superconducting vortex detection by Dayem nanobridge ("Single magnetic vortex detector based on a superconducting trap integrated into the Dayem bridge" - P.443801).

10/2022: Maciek’s Habilitation awarded

The habilitation procedure of Maciej Zgirski was completed and recognized with the Director's Annual Awards.
